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Books For YA!

Breathless - Brigid Kemmerer For more of my review, visit my blog Books For YA!I was really, really eager to read this book the moment I saw it on Goodreads. If you have read my reviews of Storm and Spark you would probably notice that I have a humongous crush on Nick Merrick and I've been waiting for a long time to read his perspective of things since he dated Quinn.To say that I'm not okay with their relationship was an understatement. But after I read this book, I'd rather prefer him dating her than consider the other option. It was hard for me to accept this news. But when I think about it, it actually kinda make sense. I honestly, just didn't see it coming.Overall, this was really a surprise. If you're a fan of this series especially if you're a fan of Nick Merrick, just like me, you have to read this! --------------------I don't know how to take this news! The title of this book should be SPEECHLESS because that's what I felt after reading it. Brigid Kemmerer, you're killing me! WHYYY!!!!