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Books For YA!

Neverfall - Brodi Ashton For more of my reviews, check out Books For YA!If you read my Everneath review, you would probably know that I'm not much of a fan of Cole. But I still read Neverfall which is in his POV, because I wanted to know what's going on in his mind and I'm also hoping that I would change my mind about his character. Good news is, it did change my mind about him. The bad news is, it's just only a little.In this novella, Cole went into a quest to find the reason why Nikki survived the Feed. He got himself in trouble with the arch-nemesis of the Everliving and almost cost him his immortal life and pretty face. In the end he found out the secret to Nikki's survival and he also realized something about himself.Okay, so what I thought about is that, at least Cole made an effort to make some research but he's still thinking about himself and how he can rule the Everneath. He's still selfish alright and he just proved that more when he dragged Nikki's brother into his mess. Well, he kind of redeemed himself but I'm still not impressed with his act of heroism. Anyway, the good thing is that I actually learned something from his quest about Nikki and Jack's connection. But Cole is still so far from being my favorite.